Gibson Township will be holding their 2025 Organization and January’s monthly meeting at the Township Building on Monday, Jan. 6th at 7pm.
Author Archives: Scott Yandric
Resident: $100.00 per year
Seasonal camp*: $100.00 per year
Business: $300.00 per year
Campground: $400.00 per year
The bill will be due the first month of the year. A late charge of $25.00 shall be assessed for accounts that are thirty (30) days in the arrears. Accounts that are sixty (60) days in arrears shall be subject to by suit or summary proceedings brought in the name of the township before any District Magistrate. All cost involved will be added to these accounts.
*According to our Solid Waste Ordinance:
Section 1: Definition “Camp and/or recreational use and /or seasonal residence”, shall mean each structure, property, or other dwelling used primarily during the summer, or hunting or fishing season, or otherwise, in which permanent residents do not reside on substantially a year-round basis; or otherwise, a property assessed as a camp or seasonal use property in the current Assessment records of Cameron County.
*A camp and/or recreational use and/or seasonal residence does not mean you have to own the property, it can be a non-moveable structure on leased property.
2025 Clean Up Days
Dumpsters will be available on May 17-18 and August 23-24. These are the only days to discard of large items such as: furniture, building supplies, large household appliances.
You can NEVER dump tires, televisions, computers or hazardous waste.
** To participate your trash account must be current. **
Proposed 2025 Budget
2025 Proposed Budget
Please see the 2025 proposed budget. The final budget will be voted on at the December 16th, 2022 meeting held at the Gibson Township Municipal Building at 7:00pm.
Clean Up Weekend August 24-25
Dumpsters will be available on August 24-25. These are the only days to discard of large items such as: furniture, building supplies, large household appliances.
You can NEVER dump tires, televisions, computers or hazardous waste.
** To participate your trash account must be current. **
Keep Your Township Beautiful!
Are you ready to Fight Dirty? Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is accepting registrations for the 2024 Pick Up Pennsylvania, an annual community improvement program. Events scheduled from March 1 through May 31 receive free trash bags, gloves, and safety vests provided by support from the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), state Department of Transportation (PennDOT), and Keep America Beautiful, as supplies last. DEP and Pennsylvania Waste Industries Association are sponsoring trash disposal, free of charge or at a reduced rate for registered program participants, at participating landfills from April 1 through April 30, with prior approval. Events can include litter cleanups, illegal dump cleanups, community greening and beautification, special collections, and education events. Events must be registered at to receive free cleanup supplies.
Want to fight dirty in your community but not sure where to start? Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is hosting a community-wide cleanup training webinar on Monday, February 26, from noon -1 p.m. that is geared towards municipalities. The training will include support for organizing a community-wide cleanup by mobilizing local volunteers, gaining support from local business, coordinating trash disposal, accessing supplies, and more! A link will be posted closer to the date of the webinar at; choose Programs and then Pick Up PA.
To host an event, join an event near you, or inquire about free supplies and trash disposal, visit, choose Programs, and then Pick Up PA or contact Michelle Dunn, Pick Up Pennsylvania Program Coordinator, at (724) 836-4121, ext. 113, or
Resident: $100.00 per year
Seasonal camp*: $100.00 per year
Business: $300.00 per year
Campground: $400.00 per year
The bill will be due the first month of the year. A late charge of $25.00 shall be assessed for accounts that are thirty (30) days in the arrears. Accounts that are sixty (60) days in arrears shall be subject to by suit or summary proceedings brought in the name of the township before any District Magistrate. All cost involved will be added to these accounts.
*According to our Solid Waste Ordinance:
Section 1: Definition “Camp and/or recreational use and /or seasonal residence”, shall mean each structure, property, or other dwelling used primarily during the summer, or hunting or fishing season, or otherwise, in which permanent residents do not reside on substantially a year-round basis; or otherwise, a property assessed as a camp or seasonal use property in the current Assessment records of Cameron County.
*A camp and/or recreational use and/or seasonal residence does not mean you have to own the property, it can be a non-moveable structure on leased property.
2024 Clean Up Days
Dumpsters will be available on May 18-19 and August 24-25. These are the only days to discard of large items such as: furniture, building supplies, large household appliances.
You can NEVER dump tires, televisions, computers or hazardous waste.
** To participate your trash account must be current. **
2024 Meeting Dates
All meetings will continue to be on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Township Municipal Building – except for April which will be the 4th Monday. 2024 meeting dates are February 21st, March 18th, April 22nd, May 20th, June 17th, July 15th, August 19th, September 16th, October 21st, November 18th, December 16th, and the 2025 Reorganization and January meeting will be January 6, 2025.
West Penn Power Planned Outage
The outage is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10, 2023, starting at approximately 8 AM until approximately 4 PM, and a rain date for Wednesday, October 11, 2023, same time.
September Meeting Rescheduled
The Gibson Township September meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, October 3rd at 12:30pm at the Gibson Township Municipal Building.
Early Warning Sirens – Battery Replacement
MobilCom will be replacing the batteries in the Early Warning Sirens along First Fork and Rt. 120 next week.
The technician will be starting with the siren located near Sunrise Ct. and working his way down First Fork into Driftwood and finishing at the siren at Means Ln.
Replacement will begin each morning around 10am from Wednesday, September 20th through Friday, September 22nd.
Scheduled Power Outages – August 2023
There will be two brief power interruptions impacting West Penn Power customers for one hour in Driftwood Borough; Gibson, Grove, Benezette and East Keating Townships in the vicinity of Benezette, Driftwood, Sinnamahoning and Westport, PA / in the counties of: Cameron, Elk & Clinton
1) The first interruption is schedule for Monday, August 14, 2023.
Customers will experience a service interruption between the hours of 9:00 am – 10:00 am
2) The second interruption is schedule for Friday, August 18, 2023.
Customers will experience a service interruption between the hours of 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
A total of 976 customers will be impacted.
Each customer will be notified via a call to the phone number listed on their electric account.
Customers wanting to update their account phone number for proper notification should call the contact center 1-800-686-0021.
Customers can also sign-up to receive alerts by text or email by going online at:; select – “Text and Email Alerts”.
Two Scheduled Power Outages
There will be two planned power interruptions to upgrade facilities impacting a West Penn Power circuit. Customers across Driftwood Borough; Gibson, Grove, Benezette and East Keating Townships in the vicinity of Benezette, Driftwood, Sinnamahoning and Westport, PA / Cameron, Elk & Clinton Counties.
1) The first interruption is schedule for Monday, June 19, 2023.
Customers will experience a service interruption between the hours of 8:00 am – 9:00 am
2) The second interruption is schedule for Friday, June 23, 2023.
Customers will experience a service interruption between the hours of 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
A total of 761 customers will be impacted.
Each customer will be notified via a call to the phone number listed on their electric account. Customers needing to update their account phone number should call the contact center 1-800-686-0021. Customers can also sign-up to receive alerts by text or email by going online at:; select – “Text and Email Alerts”.
Job Posting – FILLED
Gibson Township is accepting applications for a full-time member of our Road Crew. Must have experience to operate equipment, help with road maintenance, township property maintenance and trash pickup. Valid driver’s license required, CDL preferable. $21.00/hr, plus benefits and retirement plan. Candidates should email resumes to or by mail, PO Box 7, Driftwood, PA 15832
March Meeting Canceled
We are unable to hold our monthly meeting on Monday. The next scheduled meeting is April 17th at 6pm.
Need Help Lowering Your Electric Bill?
First Energy’s WARM Program can help you lower your electric bill and keep your home more comfortable in the winter and summer months. No payment is required for these services. It is available to homeowners and renters.
To be eligible for this program, you must have:
- Average electric usage of at least 375 kWh per month
- A gross (before tax) household income at or below 200% of 2022 Federal Poverty 2022 Guidelines

To apply, please call the Dollar Energy Fund at 1-888-282-6816 or click here to complete the application online
Road Closure
Suicide Hill will be closed on Tuesday, February 14th for emergency road repair. The repair should take one day to complete.
2023 Organization and January Meeting
Gibson Township will be holding their 2023 Organization and January’s monthly meeting at the Township Building on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd at 7pm.
December 2022 Meeting
Please note our December meeting will be held on Saturday, December 17th at 1:00pm.
2023 Proposed Budget
Please see the 2023 proposed budget. The final budget will be voted on at the December 17th, 2022 meeting held at the Gibson Township Municipal Building at 1:00pm.
Reminder: Report Broadband Connectivity Issues to FCC ASAP
With the latest influx of funding, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is collecting broadband information from consumers to create updated maps that display fixed and mobile broadband availability, as well as lack of access. Township officials and their residents are encouraged to participate and tell the FCC about their access issues or lack of access as soon as possible. These maps will dictate which communities receive broadband funding.
Consumers can share their broadband experience by filling out a short form detailing their lack of connectivity and uploading supporting documents. If you have trouble filling out the webform, you can call 888-225-5322. (Editor’s note: Only the federal government would ask you to upload forms to document that you don’t have internet connectivity… Use the phone!)
For those with service, the FCC has a Speed Test app available that can be downloaded and run to demonstrate actual broadband speeds for both mobile and in-home broadband networks. In addition to showing your network performance test results, the app also provides the test results to the FCC as part of its Measuring Broadband America Program. Click here to learn more about the Speed Test and how to participate.
End of Summer Clean Up Days
End of Summer Clean Up Days are almost here! Dumpsters will be available on August 27-28. These are the only days to discard of large items such as: furniture, tires, building supplies, large household appliances.
You can NEVER dump televisions, computers or hazardous waste.
June 20, 2022 meeting
The Gibson Township Board of Supervisors have rescheduled the June meeting for 4pm on Tuesday, July 5, 2022, at the Gibson Township Municipal Building.
Stone Bid
Gibson Township will be accepting bids for 500,000 more or less tons of 2A, 2B, 1B, #3, 2RC, and Aashto, material must be from a “DEP permitted quarry,” to be delivered on as needed basis to the TOWNSHIP GARAGE located at 817 Castle Garden Road, Driftwood, PA 15832. Sealed bids will be received by Gibson Township until 3:00 p.m. Monday, June 20, 2022 at the office of the Township, PO Box 7, 7656 Bridge Street, Driftwood, PA 15832. Please mark “Stone bids” on the envelope. Bids will be opened at 7:00 p.m. Monday, June 20, 2022 at the regular meeting of Gibson Township supervisors. The Township Board of Supervisors reserve the right to reject any and all bids.
Special Meeting
The Gibson Township Board of Supervisors will be holding a special meeting to review the Millings Transport Bids. This meeting will be held at the Township Municipal Building at 5:00pm on Wednesday, April 6, 2022.
Millings Transport Bid
Gibson Township, Cameron County, Board of Supervisors is currently accepting Sealed proposals to transport 8,000 tons of millings from Keating to Gibson Township until 5:00pm on Wednesday, April 6, 2022. Project will be awarded at a special meeting of the township immediately after bid deadline. Note: This project is not to exceed 2 weeks. These bids can be left in the drop box located at 7656 Bridge St. or mailed to PO Box 7, Driftwood, PA, 15832 at which time they will be opened publicly and read. If you would like any additional information, please contact Scott via email at Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Millings Transport Bid”. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
2022 Trash Rates
Resident: $100.00 per year
Seasonal camp*: $100.00 per year
Business: $300.00 per year
Campground: $400.00 per year
A late charge of $25 will be assessed to accounts that are 30 days in arrears
*According to our Solid Waste Ordinance:
Section 1: Definition “Camp and/or recreational use and /or seasonal residence”, shall mean each structure, property, or other dwelling used primarily during the summer, or hunting or fishing season, or otherwise, in which permanent residents do not reside on substantially a year-round basis; or otherwise, a property assessed as a camp or seasonal use property in the current Assessment records of Cameron County.
*A camp and/or recreational use and/or seasonal residence does not mean you have to own the property, it can be a non-moveable structure on leased property.
2022 Clean-Up Days
The 2022 Clean-Up Days are scheduled for May 21-22 and August 27-28. These are the only days to discard of large items such as: furniture, tires, building supplies, large household appliances.
You can NEVER dump televisions, computers or hazardous waste.
2022 Proposed Budget
Please see the 2022 proposed budget. The final budget will be voted on at the December 20th, 2021 meeting held at the Gibson Township Municipal Building at 7:00pm.
Budget Workshop
The Gibson Township Supervisor are holding a Budget Workshop meeting on Monday, November 8th at 6:00pm. The public is welcome to attend.
Job Posting
Gibson Township is accepting applications for a full-time Road Master. Must have experience to operate equipment, help with road maintenance, township property maintenance and trash pickup. Carry out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the townships policies. Valid driver’s license required. $21.00/hr, plus benefits and retirement plan.
Annual Audit & Financial Report
Spring Cleanup
Saturday May 29th, 2021 from 8am until 4pm
No Tires, TV’s, Computers, or Hazardous waste
Township Holiday
Monday May 31st is a Township holiday all offices will be closed.